Anger Management for Kids
This course focuses on children who have the ability to listen and look and watch the videos and hear the tools for change. The help for angry kids is here. This is a simple anger management approach that works and help to get peace at your home.
Class Activities
- There is no prerequiste for this course. Any child that has the ability to listen and look can watch the video and hear the tools for change.
- Over 18 lectures
- Your children will express their mad feelings in a way that does not hurt anyone or anything and does not get them into trouble.
- They will know: *How to keep their power and stay cool, while expressing their anger.
- They will know: *Ways to sooth themselves and keep the anger level down.
- They will know: *Ways to vent and express their anger appropriately.
- They will know: *How to use their words to keep their power.
- They will know: *How to fight fair to resolve issues.
- They will know: *Communication skills to express their needs.
- They will know: *Anger is just an emotion it is what they do with it that gets them into trouble.
- They will know: *The difference in aggression, passive behavior, and assertive behavior.
Target Audience:
- This course is great for kids under teen years. It is a positive non-blaming non-shaming teaching tool.